Mountain Rose Herbs Blog

How We Treat Every Day Like Earth Day

Written by Alyssa | April 17, 2017

Earth Day is almost upon us, and I’ve already heard about all kinds of activities like tree plantings, the March for Science in D.C., river clean-ups, and community garden workdays. April 22 has become a globally-recognized holiday to celebrate the natural environment, raise eco-awareness, and create positive change for the environmental movement. Have you decided what you’re going to do for Earth Day?

At Mountain Rose Herbs, we think about sustainability more than one day a year. In other words, we celebrate Mother Earth every day! This miraculous planet is home to great biological diversity and complex ecosystems that provide for us along with our plant and animal friends, like our beloved Gray Wolf. Mother Earth holds us, helps us, and fills us with gratitude.

10 Green Activities We Do Every Day!

  1. Work with our farmers to grow organic, non-GMO, and fair trade botanicals, cultivated and sustainably wildharvested with loving care and attention to soil health
  2. Offer bulk herbs and spices, teas, and other ingredients so you can make your own goodies without excess waste
  3. Practice reducing, reusing, and recycling materials in line with our Zero Waste Certification
  4. Unplug electronics, turn off lights, and monitor our solar panels to conserve energy
  5. Take walks around our Salmon-Safe landscape, bioswale, rain garden, and neighboring wetlands
  6. Bike, walk, carpool, and bus to and from work to reduce our carbon footprint
  7. Help fight climate change by partnering with
  8. Plan employee-led Mountain Rose River Projects to clean up streams and riparian ecosystems
  9. Give back to our community through charitable giving, in-kind donations, and our Paid Time for Community Involvement Program
  10. Track our progress and continue brainstorming new ways to go green!

Every day we work to put people and planet before profit. Every day we hold ourselves to high standards as stewards of the Earth.


Learn More About Our Environmental Work

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