Mountain Rose Herbs Blog

Bath Bomb Recipe for Grounding

Written by Jessicka | September 20, 2021

There is great intention behind the drawing and taking of a bath. The sound of water filling the basin sets the scene for the softening of energy that is about to happen. These moments of anticipated tranquility build for me as the tone of the filling tub changes pitch, declaring it’s time for my first toe-dip into the inviting warmth. Slipping into the water has a way of melting away tension and initiating a sigh of relief, which seems to be more of an involuntary reflex than something I ever mean to do. After a few moments of settling in, I call on one of my favorite bath enhancements to create an even deeper therapeutic experience. Bath bombs are helpful vehicles for aromatherapy and because they are crafted in advance, they are easy to enjoy after a long day.

The earthy and arboreal scents of the forest are some of my favorites for grounding and rebalancing my energy, which is often what I am looking to achieve when taking to the tub. While I love the principles of energetic forest bathing, I learned that bringing elements of the woods to a sacred place within my home was more achievable, especially as the days grow a bit shorter and cooler, and my ability to spend as much time as I’d like outside dwindles.

These simple bath bombs can be made in bulk and, when stored properly, keep for a long time. They also make wonderful DIY gifts for those who could use a reminder to take some time for themselves.

Woodland Escape Bath Bomb

Makes about 4 medium bombs.



  1. Blend baking soda and citric acid in a medium bowl, being sure to break up the clumps.
  2. Add sage leaves, if using, until fully incorporated.
  3. In a separate small bowl or cup, combine sunflower oil and essential oils and mix.
  4. Slowly pour liquid mixture over dry ingredients as you mix.
  5. Once incorporated, continue to stir while slowly misting your mixture with witch hazel. (Be sure not to over-saturate).
  6. When you can clump the mixture in your hand without it falling apart, it is ready to shape.
  7. You can use bath bomb molds, measuring cups, or even your hands to form the bombs.
  8. Place on parchment paper to cure for 1-2 days.
  9. Store in dry storage containers until use.

Pro Tip: Hand-formed bombs will flatten as they dry. If the shape isn't important to you, hand-formed bath bombs are the easiest to create.

I’ve learned that the conscious act of taking time for myself is one of the most important things I can do. I hope this comforting and grounding recipe helps to soothe your body, ease your mind, and soften your heart so you can be the best version of yourself.


Looking for other luxurious bath bombs recipes?

Try This Floral Bath Bomb Recipe

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