Mountain Rose Herbs Blog

Elderberry Ginger Simple Syrup and Mocktail Recipe

Written by Maia | October 1, 2024

Fruity fizzy drinks are a staple in my household. As much as we love water, there is something extra satisfying about a fizzy beverage— the sound and sensation of carbonation bring a kind of magic and celebration to the very mundane act of imbibing. My partner and I have even taken to adding agave nectar to flavored sparkling water to satisfy both our craving for effervescence and our sweet tooth. This simple method of creating a bare-bones mocktail inspired me to try my hand at crafting an herbal variation to bring a bit more glamour and some seasonal wellness to our fizzy drink routine.

Herbal simple syrups are incredibly easy to make, and once you have some on hand you can use it with the same ease that you would agave or maple syrup. My favorite thing about herbal simple syrups is the vast array of different flavor combinations and actions that can be utilized. It is a decidedly whimsical way of incorporating beloved herbal allies into daily life. For this recipe, I wanted to use herbs that will help support my loved ones and I as we venture into the damp and chilly months ahead. Elderberries and ginger both offer health-supporting qualities for the immune system and are a delicious and warming flavor combination. If chilled drinks during the cooler months aren’t your thing, try adding this syrup to teas, mulled ciders, or toddies!

Elderberry Ginger Simple Syrup

Makes 1 1/2 cups



  1. Add water, elderberries, and ginger root to pot and bring to boil.
  2. Reduce heat and let simmer, partially covered, for 15 minutes.
  3. Add sugar and stir until dissolved.
  4. Strain into jar using fine mesh strainer and cheesecloth being sure to press liquid from herbs.
  5. Store syrup in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.


Elderberry Ginger Mocktail


  • Elderberry ginger simple syrup
  • Ginger ale, sparkling water, or favorite tonic water (elderflower tonic water is delicious for this!)
  • A wedge of fresh lime


  1. Add ice to empty glass.
  2. Fill glass 3/4 with ginger ale or sparkling water.
  3. Add 2-3 Tbsp of elderberry ginger syrup, a squirt of fresh lime juice and stir gently to combine.
  4. Enjoy!

Pro Tips

  • For prolonged shelf life you can freeze simple syrup in ice cube trays and then transfer to sealed, freezer safe, container.
  • If using honey instead of sugar for syrup, remove elderberry infusion from heat and allow to cool slightly before stirring honey in. Since honey has its own distinct flavor, we recommend adding it gradually and to taste.


Honey is not safe for children under the age of 1.



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