Mountain Rose Herbs Blog

How Mountain Rose Herbs Helps Clean Up the Oregon Coast

Written by Alyssa | August 29, 2018

Mountain Rose Herbs’ guiding principle is that people, plants, and planet are more important than profit. That translates into supporting organic agriculture, ethically-harvesting plants, fair trade practices, charitable giving, and community involvement.

But it doesn’t stop there. We want to address those big, audacious, environmental problems that often seem impossible to solve. Something new we’re diving into (pun intended) is coastal restoration and conservation. There’s plenty of work to do to clean up the ocean. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch now stretches 600,000 square miles, roughly the size of Texas.

How to Find Coastal Cleanup Project Near You

We've committed ourselves to celebrating the Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup each September, and we invite you to do the same! For over 30 years, more than 12 million volunteers have collected over 220 million pounds of trash. Find a cleanup near you, or start your own!

As the first company in Oregon to gain TRUE Zero Waste certification at our facility in Eugene, Oregon, we understand the importance of striving to reduce, reuse, and recycle. But the fact is, trash is out there and we need to act now as stewards of our global land and water resources.

This year, we expanded the Mountain Rose River Project to include a beach cleanup on the Oregon coast! We partnered with Audubon Society of Portland and Surfrider Foundation to coordinate an educational and hands-on experience for 25 employees. Combing the beach (literately racking and sifting sand), we removed 20 pounds of micro plastics and 50 pounds of larger debris. What a day!

So, what can we all do on a regular basis to keep our oceans clean?

How You Can Help Our Oceans:

  • Refuse, reduce, and reuse.
  • Carry your own shopping bag, water bottle, and coffee mug.
  • Buy in bulk to cut down on packaging waste.
  • Pick up trash anytime, anywhere.
  • Become a member and support ocean conservation groups.
  • Contact elected officials and ask for strict legislation.

Trash and pollution are leading threats to the health and vibrancy of the world's oceans. Let's work together to keep trash out of the ocean!


Want to learn more about environmental activism at mountain rose herbs?

Learn Why We Pay Our Employees to Volunteer!


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