Jiling Lin- Guest Writer

Jiling Lin is a Licensed Acupuncturist (LAc), herbalist, and artist. Her integrative medical practice in Ventura, CA and holistic workshops, retreats, and writings empower thriving health and environmental stewardship in our bodies, communities, and world. Interweaving nature, art, movement and ritual, Jiling’s classes range from seasonal wellness to immersive Five Elements retreats. “Tea Talks” podcast host on Herbal Radio and writer for various publications, Jiling is also an avid traveler, multidisciplinary artist, and wilderness adventurer. Find Jiling backpacking the Sespe, surfing at C-Street, and on JilingLin.com, Substack @Jiling, Instagram @LinJiling, and Facebook @JilingLAc. Join her newsletter and Substack for adventure-notes, book updates, and seasonal beauty!
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Recent Posts

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Formula for Summer Wellness

The twelve organ systems of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) connect with their western biomedical counterparts, but aren’t limited to western understandings of locations or functions. In TCM, each organ system includes not only the organ’s location, but also primary meridian lines, collateral lines, sinew channels, and more. The Five Elements of Chinese medicine—Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal—and their associated seasonal changes correlate with these organ systems.

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Support Spring Immunity with Traditional Chinese Medicine

In spring, buds burst with potential energy, flowers push up from under the snow, and, according to Chinese medicine, the Wind blows change, energy, and wellness disturbances hither and thither. Spring is associated with the Wood element, in its upward, outward expansion and infinite possibilities.

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Jiling Lin- Guest Writer

Jiling Lin is a Licensed Acupuncturist (LAc), herbalist, and artist. Her integrative medical practice in Ventura, CA and holistic workshops, retreats, and writings empower thriving health and environmental stewardship in our bodies, communities, and world. Interweaving nature, art, movement and ritual, Jiling’s classes range from seasonal wellness to immersive Five Elements retreats. “Tea Talks” podcast host on Herbal Radio and writer for various publications, Jiling is also an avid traveler, multidisciplinary artist, and wilderness adventurer. Find Jiling backpacking the Sespe, surfing at C-Street, and on JilingLin.com, Substack @Jiling, Instagram @LinJiling, and Facebook @JilingLAc. Join her newsletter and Substack for adventure-notes, book updates, and seasonal beauty!
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Recent Posts

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Formula for Summer Wellness

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, summer is the time of Fire and Heart. Support movement, activity, expression and joy with Gan Mai Da Zao Tang.
WRITTEN BY Jiling Lin- Guest Writer

July 21, 2020

Support Spring Immunity with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Bolster your body's defenses with Jade Windscreen, a Traditional Chinese Medicine formula with astragalus to ward off spring's Wind-based health woes.
WRITTEN BY Jiling Lin- Guest Writer

April 6, 2020