
Jessicka Nebesni is the Senior Marketing Strategist and Herbal Liaison for Mountain Rose Herbs. Her passion is to share the most educational, empowering, and useful resources with the Mountain Rose Herbs community and on her IG account @herbalasfolk. Having practiced Macrobiotic food preparations in California, beekeeping in Oregon, and making herbal crafts for local farmers markets in New Jersey, she has a wide variety of experiences and knowledge to share. Her passions include preserving food, gardening, practicing herbal wellness, making DIY skin and body care recipes, and living a lifestyle of minimal impact on the Earth.

Recent Posts

Flavored Coconut Whipped Cream

When sharing treats with my family and friends, I love to hide herbs and spices that they may not know about or know how to use. Adding fun twists to classic preparations is an exciting pastime of mine. One classic dessert that I find to be endlessly entertaining is fluffy, creamy whipped cream. Not only is the flavor of fresh whipped topping better than store-bought, but you can infuse flavors to tailor it to whatever you are serving it with. And if that isn’t enough to make you want to make your own, it’s a much more ecofriendly alternative, as it does not come in a single-use container.

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Posted by Jessicka

DIY Hydrating Foaming Hand and Body Soap

“Soap and water and common sense are the best disinfectants.” So said Sir William Osler (one of the founders of the renowned John Hopkins Hospital). Today, of course we know he was exactly right; the act of scrubbing our hands for 20 seconds with soap and water is proven to prevent the spread of germs: protecting us, our loved ones, and the other citizens in our communities. But we also know that one of the side effects of using so much soap or hand sanitizer is that it can be drying to the skin. Fortunately, our herbal allies give us ways to create an effective hand and body soap that is also incredibly hydrating, because obviously we want to be safe while keeping our skin happy and supple.

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Posted by Jessicka

Herbal Doggie Popsicle Recipes

While in the dog days of summer, it’s important to consider the comfort of our beloved furry friends. My St. Bernard did a great job at reminding me of this fact. Wanting to give my spoiled boy anything that made him happy, I decided to try ready-made puppy ice cream that I found at the grocery store. But between the hefty price tag and knowing it wasn’t the most healthful option to cool him down, it wasn’t a sustainable option for my household. I knew I could make frozen dog treats that were just as refreshing, and which also contained ingredients that would support my dog’s overall wellbeing.

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Posted by Jessicka

Vegan Golden Milk Ice Cream (No Machine)

Spring and summer are especially packed with physical activities—gardening, hiking, cycling, etc. With so much action, it’s important to support your body in its everyday functions. You’re probably wondering why a blog post about ice cream is starting out this way. Well, it’s the ingredients in this recipe that make it as helpful as it is tasty. Turmeric has been touted for its ability to support healthy joint mobility.*

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Posted by Jessicka

Summer Breeze Natural Linen Spray Recipe

If you use a natural laundry detergent, or if you make your own laundry liquid, you probably have realized that the scents of the essential oils you used do not last quite as long as their chemical-laden commercial counterparts. Many of us really do appreciate that long-lasting clean smell, and it can feel like a trade-off of making the switch to natural alternatives—that is, until you learn how to incorporate organic linen sprays to enhance your earth-friendly laundry care routine.

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Posted by Jessicka

Zero-Waste Natural Makeup Remover Recipe


Choosing natural body care products whenever possible has been a priority of mine for a long time, both for my health and the health of the environment. I started by buying more eco-friendly versions of the pre-made products I was already using, but over time, I started to wonder if this was the best way to achieve my goals. After all, these “greener” versions may not have contained the worrisome ingredients of more conventional cosmetics, but they almost always came in single-use packaging that definitely wasn’t helping the planet…and they didn’t do much for the health of my budget, either! That’s what sparked my interest in creating my own beauty products—and I’ve never looked back.

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Posted by Jessicka

The Folk Herbal Art of Measuring in Parts

I like to think of folk herbalism as the herbal modality of the people. It is a general term encompassing plant remedies used by common “folk,” and it varies based on the traditions and local plants with which a given community has formed a relationship. One of the most accessible aspects of folk herbalism is the use of parts as measurement, which is sometimes referred to as the Simpler’s Method. This easy and universal measuring system has been used for recipes and formulations passed though many generations and continues to be used as the method of the people today.

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Posted by Jessicka

Enjoy Aromatherapy Anywhere with Roll-On Essential Oils

To all the aromatherapy lovers who have asked us for ready-to-use essential oils over the years—you have been heard! We are now delighted to offer a collection of safely pre-diluted roll-on essential oils that provide the same premium botanical quality you expect from all your Mountain Rose Herbs favorites, in a convenient and portable form. Pre-mixed with organic fractionated coconut oil, these handy little bottles are especially suited for those who like to get their fragrant herbal fix on on-the-go.

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Posted by Jessicka

Slow Cooker Vegan Chili Recipe

When the work day is done, many of us begin thinking about what to cook for ourselves and our families. On days that I’m hungry as soon as I walk through the door, I am always grateful when my meal is ready for me. It prevents me from eating things I otherwise wouldn’t or shouldn’t. With my busy lifestyle and Italian appetite, I’ve developed a real appreciation for slow cookers!

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Posted by Jessicka

The Complete Guide to Our Organic Chili Pepper Powders

I didnt grow up eating spicy foods. As embarrassing as this is to admit now, the thought of eating food that was spicy was actually scary to me. I felt like I never knew what I was getting into and as far as I was concerned, eating something too spicy was crossing the line of no return and would ruin my whole meal. That is, until I learned how to properly cook with them!

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Posted by Jessicka

Classic Rosehip Jam (with Canning Recipe)

I have to admit, the concept of this recipe came from an herbal preparation flop. As I was getting ready to hunker down for the colder months ahead, I began my seasonal tradition of making elder berry syrup. Wanting to expand the flavor profile and add a little seasonal boost, I decided to include some rosehips. As it turns out, if you add too many rosehips, your syrup will take on a jam-like texture due to the natural pectin. But all was not lost as it was quite a delicious mishap, and one that I wanted to explore further.

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Posted by Jessicka


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.


Jessicka Nebesni is the Senior Marketing Strategist and Herbal Liaison for Mountain Rose Herbs. Her passion is to share the most educational, empowering, and useful resources with the Mountain Rose Herbs community and on her IG account @herbalasfolk. Having practiced Macrobiotic food preparations in California, beekeeping in Oregon, and making herbal crafts for local farmers markets in New Jersey, she has a wide variety of experiences and knowledge to share. Her passions include preserving food, gardening, practicing herbal wellness, making DIY skin and body care recipes, and living a lifestyle of minimal impact on the Earth.

Recent Posts

Flavored Coconut Whipped Cream

Coconut whipped cream is a simple way to take a smoothie, pie, or hot cocoa to the next level. Make the flavor your own with herbs, spices and teas.

August 5, 2020

DIY Hydrating Foaming Hand and Body Soap

We like foaming hand and body wash for its ease of use, but we want moisturizer too. Make this simple DIY foaming soap to clean and hydrate dry skin.

August 4, 2020

Herbal Doggie Popsicle Recipes

These frozen herbal “pupsicle” recipes help your dog beat the summer heat. Hydrating and refreshing, they can be tailored to your pet’s needs and tastes.

July 30, 2020

Vegan Golden Milk Ice Cream (No Machine)

Unique and refreshing vegan ice cream is a delicious golden milk variation for summer. This recipe doesn't require an ice cream machine.

July 14, 2020

Summer Breeze Natural Linen Spray Recipe

Make this easy linen spray with organic essential oils to freshen your sheets and invoke a peaceful rest.

June 1, 2020

Zero-Waste Natural Makeup Remover Recipe

Cut waste and harmful chemicals out of your beauty routine with this easy and nourishing eye makeup remover recipe.

April 2, 2020

The Folk Herbal Art of Measuring in Parts

We guide you through the folk herbalism practice of measuring in parts, a traditional way to create and scale simple herbal formulations.

March 2, 2020

Enjoy Aromatherapy Anywhere with Roll-On Essential Oils

New to essential oils, or looking for an easier and more convenient way to use them? Our roll-on essential oil collection is your safe and simple solution!

February 25, 2020

Slow Cooker Vegan Chili Recipe

When you’re looking for a healthy and hearty meal that warms you from the inside out, you may want to give this easy, one-pot slow cooker recipe a try. With only 20 minutes of prep, dinner will be ready when you get home, and dishes are a breeze!

January 23, 2020

The Complete Guide to Our Organic Chili Pepper Powders

If you are overwhelmed by the choices of pepper powders that are out there, you are not alone! We have created this handy guide to help you choose the perfect pepper powder that will have your tastebuds dancing.

December 22, 2019

Classic Rosehip Jam (with Canning Recipe)

If you’re looking for a tasty way to get some added seasonal support, then these rosehip jam recipes are for you. The tartness of rosehips paired with some warming spices make this the perfect fall jam recipe.

October 24, 2019