
Hailey grew up on a small rural farm in Oregon surrounded by trees and more animals than you could count on your fingers and toes, and she has always had a strong passion for exploration, art, biology, and animals. These passions have led her through various career paths including veterinary medicine, neurodiverse healthcare, and teaching glazing at a local pottery studio. These accumulated skills brought her to the front steps of Mountain Rose Herbs, where she holds the position of Marketing Coordinator. When she isn’t planning community events, you can find her cooking up nourishing plant-based food, snuggling with her beloved kitty, Indigo, or wandering around mossy creek beds looking for agates and animal bones to breathe new life into her jewelry creations.

Recent Posts

Red Velvet Latte with Beet Root Powder

The human memory can be a funny thing. Although I often struggle to remember the birthdays of my loved ones, I vividly remember the moment I found out that my most beloved childhood cake, red velvet, wasn’t anything more than chocolate cake drowned in red food coloring. Maybe it’s the absurd amount of Red 40 or thick slathering of cream cheese frosting, but I still have a hard time coming to terms with the fact that red velvet cake isn’t quite the one-of-a-kind, red carpet of the cake world I had once believed it to be. Unsurprisingly, I had a couple of similar childhood experiences upon learning that nature offers no such thing as pink strawberry milk cows or blue raspberries, but I digress.

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Posted by Hailey

Blended Chocolate & Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

In this modern day and age, it can feel increasingly tricky to find a topic that all humans see eye to eye on. However, the timeless combination of peanut butter and chocolate seems to be something that nearly everyone can agree is an irresistible match made in dessert heaven. Something about smooth, nutty peanut butter intertwined with rich, decadent chocolate is a treat worth savoring for even the pickiest of tastebuds.

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Posted by Hailey

Baked Herbal Falafel

Crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, enticingly aromatic, and bursting with earthy flavors–falafel is truly a rhythmic waltz for the tastebuds. In Egypt and Sudan, falafel is referred to as taʿmiya, which loosely translates to “small tasty thing,” and it’s safe to say that anyone who has tried falafel will concur that these fritters are indeed miniature yet mighty delicious bites of bliss. The unique flavor profile of falafel is attributed to a blend of chickpeas, herbs, lemon, garlic, onion, or shallot and a mouth-watering array of spices such as cumin, coriander, and cayenne.

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Posted by Hailey

Guide to Types of Cosmetic Clay & Their Uses

When mineral-rich rocks, natural weathering, and the span of a few hundred years become intertwined, the Earth provides a fine-grained material known as natural clay. For millennia, cosmetic clays have been utilized throughout nearly all ancient and traditional beauty regimens for their beneficial properties and applications for many skin types. The earliest use of cosmetic clay, or “medicinal earth”, dates back to the Stone Age by the oldest known early humans, Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis. Experts theorize the concept of using clay was sparked as our ancient ancestors witnessed animals instinctively bathing in mineral-rich mud. These early humans are believed to have mirrored the behavior with a natural clay earth pigment known as ochre to aid in wound healing and soothing irritations. Cosmetic clays have since evolved alongside humans and are a prevalent resource in traditional healing methods throughout Ayurveda, ancient Egyptians, and Indigenous American populations.

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Posted by Hailey

Benefits & History of Castor Oil + Salve Recipe

You may be familiar with castor oil for its long-standing reputation within the beauty industry as the secret weapon for maintaining luscious hair and providing deep moisture and protection for the skin. However, you likely aren’t as familiar with this precious oil’s fascinating history and countless additional applications. Along with being an effective humectant for scalp and hair, castor oil has been utilized throughout history in everything from cosmetics to leather tanning. Interestingly enough, castor oil has in recent years even been considered as a desirable substitute for petroleum resources used in the fuel production industry!

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Posted by Hailey

Blackberry Lavender Mocktail


Blackberry season is upon us once again here in the Pacific Northwest, which is a season I have impatiently waited for every year since I was a young girl. Some of my fondest summertime memories as a child were spent under the scorching sun while cautiously reaching my tiny hands into overgrown thorny bushes to reach the ripest and juiciest berries that my limited reach could grasp. Although my childhood berry-picking excursions typically ended with purple-stained clothes, deep red drips down my hands and arms from smushed berries, and a sunburn, the feeling of walking home with buckets upon buckets of fresh blackberries always made each trip well worth the discomforts.

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Posted by Hailey

Potato Gnocchi with Herbal Powders

Ask anyone who knows me, and they will confirm my long-standing reputation for being experimental in the kitchen. Since I was old enough to hold a spatula and use my mom’s stand mixer, there aren’t many recipes I haven’t tried from the stacks of cookbooks scattered throughout my childhood home. One of the earliest culinary experiments I can recall was attempting to make gnocchi from scratch, and let's just say, the result was not the most palatable or even edible. The idea struck my developing brain when I forgot about a boiling pot of pasta on the stove, leaving me with mushy, unappetizing noodles. Scratching my head as I tried to think of an innovative way to salvage my overcooked pasta, I remembered a new food I had recently discovered on a grocery store trip with my family: gnocchi. At the time, my assumption of gnocchi was that they were oddly shaped pasta balls, so I decided to blend up the mushy pasta and shape the mixture into gnocchi balls. Fool-proof and ingenious, right? Wrong. My “gnocchi” turned out to be anything but gnocchi, and I nearly broke our cheap blender in the process. Unsurprisingly, my family and I wound up digging through the depths of our freezer for dinner that night.

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Posted by Hailey

Essential Oil Blends for Naptime

For many of us, naptime can feel like a luxury reserved solely for responsibility-free toddlers. As adults, the complexities and pressures of everyday life (aka “adulting”) all too often drive a hard wedge between staying afloat and being well-rested. When we do find those rare moments of peace and quiet, the rambling chatter in our brains can make a power nap feel more like a worry session. With the seemingly endless obligations and expectations that arise from work, relationships, and life in general, it’s no wonder that restlessness is an all-too-familiar theme in the modern human experience.

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Posted by Hailey

Non-Alcoholic Herbal Gin Fizz Recipe

During the initial brainstorming phase for this blog, I’ll admit that I felt a tad silly for attempting to emulate a mocktail of a gin fizz. After all, the first word in this classic cocktail’s name is the primary ingredient that I could not utilize in an alcohol-free version. As a big fan of gin's complex, piney flavor, I knew it would take some trial and error to recreate such a uniquely flavorful alcohol alternative. Along with the absence of the usual star ingredient in a gin fizz, I also wanted to make this mocktail vegan. With over a decade of being vegan under my belt, that was the easy part!

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Posted by Hailey

Essential Oil Blends for Summer Road Trips

With summer right around the corner, many of us are gearing up for adventurous journeys to familiar or undiscovered destinations. Hitting the wide-open road with a car packed to the brim, blasting your most beloved sing-along tunes, and playing endless games of I Spy or license plate bingo on a long road trip can sometimes be more rewarding than the destination itself. As enjoyable as driving many hours through winding forested roads and picturesque hills can be, road trips are not without their own set of challenges. Everything from stuffy air, motion sickness, backseat bickering, and impatient irritability are all too familiar nuisances when traveling in a car for a prolonged time. 

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Posted by Hailey

Tepache Recipe with Spices

Fermented foods and beverages—abundant in lively bubbles and gut-nurturing probiotics— have been all the rage in recent years.Its safe to say that most of us are familiar with the so-called fermented celebrities” circulating our natural grocery store aisles these days, such as kombucha, kimchi, sourdough bread, sauerkraut, and kefir. However, one drink has surfaced from ancient origins and is quickly becoming the latest-and-greatest fermented beverage: tepache. With just a sip of this tastebud-enticing, effervescent, fermented pineapple drink, you can taste exactly why. 

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Posted by Hailey


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.


Hailey grew up on a small rural farm in Oregon surrounded by trees and more animals than you could count on your fingers and toes, and she has always had a strong passion for exploration, art, biology, and animals. These passions have led her through various career paths including veterinary medicine, neurodiverse healthcare, and teaching glazing at a local pottery studio. These accumulated skills brought her to the front steps of Mountain Rose Herbs, where she holds the position of Marketing Coordinator. When she isn’t planning community events, you can find her cooking up nourishing plant-based food, snuggling with her beloved kitty, Indigo, or wandering around mossy creek beds looking for agates and animal bones to breathe new life into her jewelry creations.

Recent Posts

Red Velvet Latte with Beet Root Powder

Indulge in a dreamy red velvet latte that swaps synthetic red food coloring for vibrantly nutritious and wellness-supporting beetroot.

October 17, 2024

Blended Chocolate & Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

Learn how to make grab-and-go blended chocolate peanut butter overnight oats that are so delicious it just might change the minds of lifelong oatmeal haters.

October 3, 2024

Baked Herbal Falafel

Learn how to make mouth-watering baked herbal falafels with spinach and nettles for added nutrition.

September 25, 2024

Guide to Types of Cosmetic Clay & Their Uses

Explore the benefits and differences of 5 common cosmetic clays and learn how to use them in recipes.

September 11, 2024

Benefits & History of Castor Oil + Salve Recipe

Elevate your skin and hair care routines with castor oil! Learn about the history of this special oil and try your hand at making a castor oil salve recipe.

September 6, 2024

Blackberry Lavender Mocktail

Discover blackberry lavender bliss with this five-ingredient mocktail. Not only does it taste like summertime in a glass, but it also offers gut-nurturing probiotics.

August 25, 2024

Potato Gnocchi with Herbal Powders

Learn how to make herbal gnocchi from scratch and discover the endless possibilities of incorporating herbal powders into your favorite recipes.

July 25, 2024

Essential Oil Blends for Naptime

Taking naps can be great for your health, but many of us find it hard to turn off the mental chatter. Try these 3 essential oil blends to help settle a stressed mind and help you drift off to a rejuvenating mid-day rest.

July 10, 2024

Non-Alcoholic Herbal Gin Fizz Recipe

With more of us ditching the alcohol these days, we were inspired to transform a botanical gin fizz into an herbal booze-free alternative that was also vegan! You are going to love this refreshing herbal mocktail.

June 20, 2024

Essential Oil Blends for Summer Road Trips

Elevate your summer road trip game with these four essential oil blends. There are blends to support motion sickness, mental alertness, awakeness, and calm nerves.

June 17, 2024

Tepache Recipe with Spices

Uncover the history behind the trending fermented pineapple drink, tepache, and learn how to make your own glass of this ancestral beverage at home.

June 3, 2024