Mountain Rose Herbs Blog

Sampling Sage & Thyme with Rosemary Gladstar

Written by The Mountain Rose Herbs Team | April 29, 2014



Here's our next video from the Rosemary Gladstar's Garden Wisdoms series!

Rosemary joined us in this beautiful garden to share her deep plant love as part of the Free Herbalism Project. In this new video, Rosemary discusses the healing properties and uses for the wonderful duo, but often uncelebrated, Sage and Thyme.

Want to grow, make medicine with, or learn more about these herbs? You can find organic dried Sage leaf and Thyme leaf, Sage and Thyme essential oilsSage and Thyme seeds, and more on our website!

Curious about the Free Herbalism Project? You are invited to our next free event on Sunday, May 4th in Eugene! You can learn more about that by clicking here. Hope to see you there!