Mountain Rose Herbs Blog

Sweet Oat Tea with Oatstraw and Elder Flowers

Written by The Mountain Rose Herbs Team | November 16, 2014

From our weekly series: The Sunday Steep

I recently reorganized our "tea and herb station" at home for the upcoming season. This is the time of year when we are drinking hot tea just about every day and it was time to refill jars, freshen the stores, and get things reorganized to make creating tea blends easier and more fun. Organizing excites me, but I was also reminded of some of the amazing herbs that have been pushed to the side and neglected. It's sort of like the seasonal organizing of my closet--things get moved to the front that I forgot about and it's like discovering them all over again! Plus, I just love seeing all those gorgeous herbs lined up in labeled jars!

This was one of the first teas I created from the newly tidy shelves (three full shelves of jarred and labeled herbs, mind you) and it was so sweet and delicious!

Sweet Oat Tea with Oatstraw and Elder Flowers

Combine all ingredients in an infuser, nest, strainer or tea bag. Pour 1 1/2 to 2 cups boiling water over and allow to steep for 3-5 minutes. This is a naturally sweet tea and doesn't really need any honey, but feel free to add if you'd like. A little wedge of lemon is nice too!

Find Spice and Storage Jars