Mountain Rose Herbs Blog

Hops & Spice Tea Recipe with Orange Peel and Fennel Seeds

Written by The Mountain Rose Herbs Team | November 2, 2014

This blog was originally from the Sunday Steep series.

We are entering the season of hearty, heavy, rich, and delicious meals! Parties and potlucks abound, as do cozy meals around the hearth at home. I don't know about you, but that means my digestion could use a boost in helping to make sense of all those delicious treats and homemade goodness. I created this tea recipe for savory sipping either right before or right after a heavy meal.  It can be sipped hot or cold and has a nice, savory aroma too!

The fennel and cardamom seeds in this recipe are a wonderful addition for the tummy. If you're in a pinch and not in the mood to make tea, take 1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds and a 1/4 teaspoon of cardamom seeds and chew (you can add a little sugar if you like). These herbs are helpful to keep your tummy happy after eating large meals! 

Hops & Spice Tea Recipe

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 If you'd like a delicious, ready-made tea blend, try our Happy Tummy tea - minty and caffeine free!