Mountain Rose Herbs Blog

Tummy Root Tea Blend with Burdock and Dandelion

Written by The Mountain Rose Herbs Team | October 5, 2014

 From our weekly series: The Sunday Steep

Preparing a simple decoction is one of my favorite ways to consume roots. While leaves and flowers lend themselves well to a quickly-brewed tea, the roots can take a little more planning. A decoction is a method of simmering roots, barks, berrries, etc. to extract their properties. It takes a little more effort, but it is well worth it - especially when you can enjoy a lovely combination like the following... 


Tummy Root Tea Blend

Combine all the herbs in a saucepan with 3-4 cups cold or tepid water. Bring to a boil for a few minutes before turning the heat down to low and letting the herbs simmer and steep in the hot water for another 5-10 minutes. At this point, you can either strain the herbs and drink the tea or you can let the herbs rest in the water for a longer time (even pouring into a jar, covering and letting sit overnight) for an even stronger decoction. Strain before drinking.

If you'd like to add some other herbs to this, I like herbs like Nettle, Oatstraw or Dandelion Leaf!