Mountain Rose Herbs Blog

Growing the Herbalist's Garden

Written by The Mountain Rose Herbs Team | November 21, 2011

We are back in Oregon after an inspiring weekend at the Green Festival in San Francisco! A big thank you to all of the loving folks that came to visit our booth. It was beautiful to hear your herb stories and so fun to share our goodies with you.

For  anyone who couldn't make it out to this awesome sustainable living celebration, you can still experience a  little taste of it! We created this video for you to check out...



You might remember our blog post from last year that told the tale of how we built a tradeshow booth using only recycled materials. The "Herbalist's Garden" booth is always a big hit and has become a sort of interactive art piece. It really showcases the beauty that can be created from our community's waste. 

Have you seen this cool photo montage of the booth being built? It's definitely a labor of love!